What’s Hot on TikTok: April 22

What’s Hot on TikTok: April 22

A Gen-Z look at what's going viral each week


Audio from one of Comedy Central’s Kroll Show skits is starting to trend. The audio is all about this European hostel owner describing European life to tourists. He explains how every meal consists of a cigarette and some small serving of food. I can go on trying to describe it, but it’s much funnier to watch the actual skit yourself. Creators are using the video’s audio to explain the ‘unique’ behaviors of their own ‘clique’ to outsider viewers. Some of my favorites include toddlers explaining to their parents what happened at their grandma’s house and dads looking after their kids solo.


It’s philosophical gems like the “I want to be a marshmallow” video that make life worth living. In this video a mom asks her daughter what she wants to be, and the daughter replies “I want to be a marshmallow” so she can just wobble around with joy. When you really think about it, don’t we all just want to be a bunch of marshmallows, wobbling around with joy, not a care in the world? I know I do… Anyway, if you haven’t watched the video yet, it’s uber cute!


Audio of Tina Belcher from Bob’s Burgers has been trending pretty hard core lately. Creators are using her defiant response “I would rather die” to express things that they would rather die than do. Some weird, yet interesting ones I’ve found include a boy who prefers to say celebrities names instead of cuss and a girl who draws pigeons on her homework assignments.


What’s Hot on TikTok: April 22
What’s Hot on TikTok: April 22

Weekly TikTok trends reported by:
Yasmeena Faycurry
2022 Platform Listener

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