What’s Hot on TikTok: April 15

What’s Hot on TikTok: April 15

A Gen-Z look at what's going viral each week


Never let them know your next move is an audio trend where people video themselves in ordinary situations doing completely unexpected things, such as filling up water with the cup upside down, or putting their AirPods in their mouth instead of their ear. One of my favorite videos is by @thepointerbrothers_. Every action you’d expect to see in their video is replaced by something wacky and out of the ordinary. If you or your brand enjoy making goofy content, try this trend out (and tag us – we’d love to see it!).


@jimmydarts is one of my all time favorite influencers. His philosophy is that by doing small acts of kindness, he can create a ripple effect of kindness in the world. Most of his videos consist of him making friends with random people then offering them money to help in whatever troubles they’re going through. With those he meets who are particularly in need of help, he’ll follow up with them and provide them with the things that they need to get back on their feet again. So far, he has grown his following to 8.2M and has been able to fund all these acts of kindness from his followers who are able to donate straight to his cause. Cool stuff, no?


The money went to just the right person 🥺❤️

♬ original sound – Jimmy Darts


TikTokers are using the Rotoscope filter to celebrate little wins, like getting a compliment from a coworker or ordering yet another random thing off Amazon. Others are finding the filter entertaining because of the ugly blob person it turns everyone into. Whether you want to entertain yourself with the way the filter makes you look or you have a small accomplishment you’d like to celebrate, this is a solid trend to use.


love ordering things, brings me happiness

♬ Never Dull Gypsy In My Mind – Never Dull


What’s Hot on TikTok: April 15
What’s Hot on TikTok: April 15

Weekly TikTok trends reported by:
Yasmeena Faycurry
2022 Platform Listener

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